301. Alka Tournament


Born in a time when Europe saw the rise many similar chivalry games, Alka is the only one to be preserved in its original form, while becoming a unique tournament recognized and protected by the UNESCO on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Held for the 301st time, this year’s Alka brought a variety of exciting events. Around 7000 spectators gathered on the track eagerly awaiting the arrival of the formal procession and the beginning of the tournament. The murmur of voices, sounds of horses galloping, clatter of old weaponry and ornaments, the synchronized walk of the dignified Alka squires – all announced a promising chivalric battle.

A strong wind made it difficult for the alkars to hit the alka (the name alka comes from the Turkish-Arabic word halqa, meaning ring, and it stems from the detail found on the strap of the saddle of the captured horse previously belonging to serascher Mehmed-pasha Čelić. It consists of two concentric iron rings mutually connected with three bars dividing the space between the rings into three equal parts – the smallest ring in the middle is worth three points, the top part two points and the two lower parts are worth one point. It takes great skill, or as the saying goes in Sinj – oko sokolovo i čvrsta desnica – to hit the central ring, measuring just 3,36 cm in diameter.

Alka is held in three races, and the third always draws the biggest crowd. In the first race, only Petar Tomašević succeeded in hitting the central ring, but was distracted by the wind in the second race, managing to score only one point and therefore not being eligible for a win. Extraordinary four central hits in a row happened in the excellent second race delighting the audience – the town brass band immediately rewards the alkar with a song, and an ancient cannon mačkula fires from the Old Town walls. Alen Filipović Grčić hit another center later on, scoring five points, just like Tino Radanović and Kristian Bikić. By the third race, the atmosphere at the track was ecstatic – three different alkars had the chance to become grand winners! Despite strong emotion, in the moment of the race when the spear and alka meet, the whole track goes quiet, almost holding their breath. The alkars, regardless of the outcome must maintain a regal, dignified posture.

Especially interesting was the performance of Alen Filipović Grčić who had the chance to make Alka history by scoring a central point, making him the first person in the history of the tournament to win all three Alka competition in three days (Bara and Čoja are the two competitions preceding Alka, held on Friday and Saturday with the same rules, except without the official alkar’s uniform). Unfortunately, he managed to score a one, therefore missing his chance. Kristian Bikić also scored a one, and Tino Radanović a two, making him the grand winner with the final of seven points. The Duke tied the Croatian three-color flag on the winner’s spear which he traditionally carried through the streets of Sinj. The Alka society rewarded the winner with a gold Alka plaque and 40 000 kuna, while the patron of Alka, President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović rewarded him with a sabre and a golden ring with the Croatian coat of arms. The winner’s squire, Mario Bošnjak, was also rewarded with a gold Alka plaque by the Alka society, along with a silver ring with the Croatian coat of arms and a firelock from President Kitarović. This is the second Alka won by Radanović who was also once a winner of Bara tournament.

The Alka of Sinj is a chivalric competition respecting the traditional customs, but in doing so, not losing its modernity – it stands as a symbol for every battle for freedom, peace, safety, hope and faith. It unites the past and the present, celebrating honor, fairness, bravery and heroism.


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